Customer Complaints Policy Summary

CBIT is committed to delivering exceptional customer service and fostering strong customer relationships across all levels of the organization. To ensure that all customer concerns are addressed effectively, CBIT has established a Complaints Policy, which outlines the procedures for handling both verbal and written complaints.

Our goal is to resolve any complaints as promptly as possible. Customers are encouraged to contact our customer service team at 1300 553 324, where we will work diligently to address any issues with our services.

Our Responsibilities

  • Efficient and Fair Handling: We are dedicated to providing a transparent and fair mechanism for managing complaints.
  • Accessibility: The complaints process is accessible to all customers, including those with disabilities or special needs.
  • Ongoing Communication: We ensure customers are regularly informed about the status of their complaints and the anticipated resolution timeline.
  • Continuous Improvement: We review complaints on a quarterly basis to identify opportunities for enhancing our customer service standards.


Complaint Handling Process:

  • Acknowledgment: Complaints will be acknowledged within 2 business days, either by telephone or in writing.
  • Urgent Complaints: Urgent matters, such as those involving financial hardship or service disconnection, are given priority and typically resolved within 2 business days. If more time is required, we will provide an explanation and a revised timeline.
  • Resolution Timeframe: We aim to resolve most complaints within 30 calendar days. For more complex issues, we will provide regular updates on the status and expected resolution timeframe.
  • Outcome Communication: We will inform you of the outcome of your complaint, and provide written confirmation if requested.
  • Handling Charges: Generally, there are no charges for handling complaints. However, in special circumstances, such as retrieving archived records older than 24 months, a fee may apply. Any applicable charges will be discussed with you beforehand, and if your complaint is upheld, any fees will be refunded within 30 days.


Steps for Making a Complaint:

  1. Initial Contact: If you have a complaint, please contact our Customer Service team. We aim to resolve most issues during this first interaction. You may also submit your complaint in writing, and we will respond in writing if requested. An authorized representative or advocate may act on your behalf, following the procedures outlined on our website.
  2. Escalation: If your complaint is not resolved during the initial contact, it will be escalated to our customer service management. This investigation may take up to 15 business days or longer, depending on the complexity of the issue. You may request that your complaint be escalated to senior management if you are not satisfied with the initial response.
  3. Resolution Confirmation: Once your complaint is resolved, we will confirm the outcome within 10 business days. If you remain dissatisfied with the resolution, you may escalate your complaint to external bodies such as the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO), the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner, or other relevant authorities.


External Escalation Options:

  • Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO): The TIO provides an alternative dispute resolution service for unresolved complaints related to telecommunications.
    • Cost: The TIO service is free.
    • Contact: Visit or call 1800 062 058.


  • Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner: For privacy-related complaints, the Office of the Information Commissioner can assist. To lodge a complaint, you can call 1300 363 992 or visit


  • Other Authorities: For certain telecommunications and trade practices issues, you may also consider lodging a complaint with:
    • The Fair-Trading Office in your state
    • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
    • Alternatively, you may seek legal advice from your solicitor.


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